LUST Association is a non-profit organization working to develop the professional theatre field in Finland through the Swedish-language theatre. The guiding principles of LUST’s vision include:
- Swedish-language theatre should challenge and explore their surroundings and the general perception and discussion of theatre while maintaining a critical and self-reflexive attitude.
- Swedish-speaking performing artists should be perceptive, motivated and independent, and work across national and international language barriers through the theatre.
- Swedish-speaking theatre should reflect the depth and breadth of contemporary performing arts and serve as a reference for international theatre and performing arts amongst players and spectators.
LUST has three main tasks:
to serve as a think tank for the development and improvement of the theatre field.
to be a seedbed for recent graduates, professional actors and performing artists.
to provide a challenging training environment to develop the artistic skills and reinforce artistic identity through continuing education and cooperation in the field.
LUST will:
- Generate and encourage questions to renew and develop the Swedish-speaking theatre in Finland.
- Call for equality within the theatre.
- Incorporate different professions and skills within the performing arts to produce daring ideas and experimental collaborations that challenge normativity and hierarchic structures.
- Inspire dialogue in an open debate with a critical and heterogenous audience.
The association’s activities are initiated by members and planned by the Board of Directors led by the Executive Director. LUST participates in collaborations both nationally and internationally.
Jonas Welander – Director
lustrf(at) / welanderj(at)
+358 45 164 6004
LUST rf c/o Eskus – Performancecentrum
Gasverksgatan 1/33
00540 Helsingfors
Board 2024
Mari-Helen Hyvärinen – ordförande
Antonia Henn – vice ordförande
Joel Forsbacka – sekreterare
Martin Paul
Greta Lignell
LUST is supported by the Swedish Cultural Foundation, Stifelsen tre smeder, Konstsamfudent etc.