27.11.2017 at Reprum, Työpajankatu 10 A 4, 2nd floor
10.00 Fragile Imperfections – Lecture by Thomas Kasebacher
11.00 Friendly Intrusions – Lecture by Sarah Vanhee
12.00 Open discussion

LUST invites you to take part in the open lectures by Thomas Kasebacher and Sarah Vanhee. The lectures are arranged in connection to the project The Autonomous Actor#3 – The Storytelling Cycle: From Community Work Back To The Stage. As there are a limited amount of seats we kindly ask you to inform about your participation at lustrf@gmail.com

Fragile Imperfections – Lecture by Thomas Kasebacher
How can stories be told in the performative space, nowadays? Where do they start, where do they end? How do they transfer to an audience? And how can a space be transformed and redefined through storytelling?

Thomas Kasebacher’s lecture Fragile Imperfections revolves around these questions and will explore the field of performative storytelling, examining its ins and outs, its boundaries, and its possibilities. Ideas of failure, of the real versus the fictional and imagined, and of possible impossibilities lie at center of his investigation.

This opening lecture of LUSTs project The Autonomous Actor#3  will introduce possibilities of storytelling in contemporary performative arts, treating the story-format as a broad field of investigation.

Friendly Intrusions – Lecture by Sarah Vanhee
Sarah Vanhee creates temporary and porous yet clearly defined spaces in which she analyzes existing realities and confronts them with an absurd, utopian, or poetic proposal. Out of the resulting friction, different narratives, landscapes, practices, and fictions emerge. In her lecture, Sarah Vanhee will speak about recent projects realized both outside and inside the art space. She will elaborate on the conceptual, symbolic, political, and production-specific layers of her work, which are all intertwined, as well as show how she uses art and fiction as tools to shed light on the unseen or to amplify previously unheard voices, as a means to no precise end, and as a place for unlikely encounters.

About the lecturers

Thomas Kasebacher
Thomas Kasebacher’s work travels between performance, video, choreography and visual arts. He studied comparative literature in Innsbruck and London and performing Arts in Liverpool. Currently he lives and works in Vienna, where together with Laia Fabre creates works under the label of notfoundyet. LINGER, was premiered at brut Wien in 2013. In 2014 he received commissions from Szene Salzburg Festival – THE GREEN PARK PICNIC – and Impulstanz/Weltmuseum Wien – THE SHAPING OF HOOKS – a performative installation piece in the frame of an ethnographic museum. He collaboratively created LEGENDS & RUMOURS together with Phil Hayes and Maria Jerez, which is currently touring internationally. http://www.notfoundyet.net

He has been working with Kate McIntosh, Oleg Soulimenko, Matsune & Subal, Cuqui Jerez, Sarah Vanhee and FORCED ENTERTAINMENT. The new age Folkdance piece THIS IS SO F***DANCE premiered in brut Vienna in November 2014. His last works THE BOLANO PROJEKT – Part 1 -An Introduction and Part 2 – The Retrospective premiered 2015 and 2016 at EURO SZENE Festival and at the Schauspielhaus Leipzig. Kasebacher has been teaching at Yale University, Connecticut USA and Impulstanz Vienna and is currently engaged in the MA program New Performative Practices at the arts academy DOCH in Stockholm.

Sarah Vanhee
Sarah Vanhee’s artistic practice is linked to performance, visual arts and literature, and unfolds in various environments. “I create temporary, porous yet clearly defined spaces in which I analyze existing realities and confront those with an absurd, utopic or poetic proposal. From this friction different narratives, landscapes, practices and fictions emerge.

Recent works include The Making of Justice (film), Oblivion (performance), I Screamed and I Screamed and I Screamed (video-installation & performance), Untitled (series of meetings) , Lecture For Every One (series of intrusions), Turning Turning (performance). Her work has been presented in diverse contexts such as Van Abbe Museum (Eindhoven), Kunstenfestivaldesarts (Brussels), Art Centre De Appel (Amsterdam), La Ferme du Buisson (Parijs) , Centre Pompidou (Metz), Arnolfini Gallery (Bristol), iDans (Istanbul), Printemps de Septembre (Toulouse), Impulstanzfestival (Vienna), Kiasma (Helsinki), HAU (Berlin) etc. She co-published Untranslatables and wrote The Miraculous Life of Claire C and TT, as well as different texts for performance. She regularly works with CAMPO (Ghent) and is founding member of Manyone vzw. Vanhee lives and works in Brussels. www.sarahvanhee.com